Experience a Day in Africa with Us!

Join us for an extraordinary day of exploration as we unveil the enchanting beauty of Southern, East and West Africa

Time: 2:00PM - 9:00PM

Venue: Intercontinental Los Angeles Downtown

Time: 2:00PM - 9:00PM

Venue: The Drake Real Chicago

Time: 2:00PM - 9:00PM

Venue: Hyatt Regency Toronto

Who's Invited?

We extend an invitation to join us in LOS ANGELES, CHICAGO or TORONTO this NOVEMBER for a program that emphasizes business growth, market insights, and the solidification of partnerships.

This event caters to both seasoned Africa travel specialists and top-producing agents poised to introduce or expand your Africa portfolio. We invite agents representing high-end boutique operations, consortiums, and independent contractors - all with a vested interest in long-haul, luxury travel.

What to Expect

In a travel industry revitalized yet redefined by recent global events, Africa Showcase 2024 is a strategic focal point for industry professionals to navigate the new landscape of travel.

Step into our world of warm hospitality and genuine African charm. Get ready for a gathering focused on networking and building meaningful connections. Engage in lively conversations with leading tourism professionals who are deeply connected to the heart and soul of Africa. They'll share valuable insights and reveal hidden gems awaiting your clients.

Event Format

Meet our Suppliers in a structured format

Listen to Tourism Board updates

Enjoy a Networking Dinner

Have a chance to win super-amazing prizes

Prize Draw

Our exhibitors generously provide fantastic travel prizes for you to experience their properties.
You must be present to win any of our business card draws.
If you're keen to win the Best-Dressed prize, please come dressed with a touch of Africa - get as creative as you like!

This is your opportunity to build lasting partnerships and broaden your horizons

in the world of African tourism.

For any questions,

please contact our partners at Re•think Travel Marketing:

Jane Behrend: [email protected]

David DiGregorio: [email protected]

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© On Show Solutions / Africa Showcase North America 2024 | All rights reserved

By registering for this event, you agree to be contacted by the organisers and for your contact information to be shared with participating companies after the event. On Show Solutions reserves the right to use images captured at Africa Showcase for marketing purposes.